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WASP services

WASP services

What is a Cell C WASP?

WASP stands for Wireless Application Service Provider. Usually this abbreviation is used to refer to an independent company with links to all the major network operators that provides its customers with mobile content to various services from wireless devices.

A Cell C WASP creates and distributes mobile content to subscribers via our network and infrastructure. WASPs can generate revenue by providing premium content that subscribers are willing to pay for, such as:

  • Ringtones
  • Mobile wallpapers
  • Horoscopes
  • Jokes
  • Mobile downloads
  • Interactive voice prompts
  • News and traffic updates
  • Glamour content
  • Location based information, such as the location of the nearest restaurant, police station, etc

WASP services

WASP services

How do you become a registered Cell C WASP?

To become a WASP, your company must provide proof of the following:

  • Be registered entity in South Africa
  • Have a registered South African Bank Account
  • Have a South African Customer Care contact number
  • Have type of entity; VAT and Tax Certificates, BEE Certificate, Company documentation for credit vetting
  • Certified copies of the Identity Documentation for Principal members of your business
  • Have a clear credit listing
  • Meet the minimum volume/revenue requirements by providing a business case detailing 12 month forecast of projected volumes and revenues estimated on each of the bearer services you wish to take up with Cell C
  • Be a registered WASPA member

How do I become a Cell C WASP

  • You will need to contact the Cell C WASP team should you wish to become a Cell C WASP Partner You can contact the Cell C WASP team by sending an email with your request to
  • You will need to meet all the requirements of the WASP Criteria Checklist as detailed in bullet point 2
  • You will be required to complete the Cell C WASP Application Form
  • You will be required to send a business case detailing 12 month forecast of projected volumes and revenues estimated on each of the bearer services you wish to take up with Cell C
  • If you do not meet the forecasted business case volumes/revenues within the first 6 months, then you be terminated as a Cell C WASP and you will be asked to aggregate your services through one of Cell C WASP partners
  • Approval of the WASP Application is subject to a minimum bank guarantee of R50,000.00
  • Once the bank guarantee is in place, you will need to sign the Cell C WASP Master Agreement
  • To become a WASP, you must adhere to the WASPA Code of Conduct which was formulated to prevent bad practices and fraudulent activity. For more information, please access

WASP services

How much does it cost?

  • You will be charged a once-off connection fee and a monthly access fee once you are connected to the Cell C network. Please note that the once-off connection fee and monthly access fee differs across the various WASP bearer services
  • Therefore it is imperative to inform the Cell C WASP Product team upfront regarding the bearer services you would be interested in
  • You can contact the Cell C WASP team by sending an email to

If you don't meet the requirements to become a Cell C WASP?

  • Business Partners that don't meet these requirements are encouraged to contact the Cell C WASP team by sending an email to
  • The Cell C WASP team will refer you to our internal Cell C WASP Partners, with existing WASP connectivity to Cell C, in order to assist in developing your mobile offerings or developing your concept into a service

WASP services

What services does Cell C offer to its WASP Partners?

SMS (Short Messaging Service)

Bulk SMS

  • Bulk SMS is mainly used to target a large group of people. It is primarily a marketing tool used to notify clients of an upcoming sale at a local retail store
  • Please note: It's illegal to send bulk SMSs to customers unless they have opted in to the service

Premium-rated SMS

  • This service allows customers' to enter competitions, purchase products or services, vote in polls, or receive premium content by getting them to share their personal information such as name, contact details, preferences, etc
  • WASP Partners can generate revenue through the delivery of premium mobile content

Reverse Bill SMS

  • Extend the use of SMS services to your customers' without them incurring a cost and instead bill the WASP Partner for the session at standard VAS network rate


  • OBS enables WASP Partners to bill customers' for content subscription services on a recurring basis


  • WASP Partners can send large quantities of media rich content which include any combination of text, full colour still images, voice, audio clips video clips and animation to customers
  • Example announcing retail promotions, cellular phone and municipal statements

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)

Reverse Bill USSD

  • Extend the use of USSD services to your customers without them having to incur cost instead bill the WASP Partner for the menu session at standard VAS network rate

Premium USSD

  • This service allows WASP Partners to offer its premium services to customers by using USSD. With Premium Rated USSD, Cell C customers will be able to consume WASP premium services by dialling a USSD string as advertised by the WASP

Network Initiated USSD

  • Also known as a USSD Push Notification to the customers' on their cellular phones even while they're connected on a voice call or Internet browsing session.
  • Predominantly used by the Banking Sector or to WASPs providing services to the Financial Services sector for security purposes
  • Please note: It's assumed that your subscribers will expect and follow USSD prompts and subsequently follow the menu prompts


This service allows the WASPs' to derive the IMSI information which is embedded in the SIM of the mobile device by sending an IMSI look-up request to the Mobile Network Operator (MNO). As a result the MNO returns the current subscriber's IMSI to the WASP , who will use the information to determine whether the subscriber's IMSI is still the same as previously recorded or if the IMSI had changed (usually due to a SIM SWOP). This service is primarily utilised by the financial institutions to combat banking fraud done by SIM swop.


The SIM Age solution is an enhancement to the existing IMSI Look-up service, whereby Cell C is now able to provide the date and time for when a SIM in the mobile device was updated either due to SIM swap or MSISDN swap.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

  • Premium rated IVR
  • Premium rated IVR Dicon
  • Also known as a USSD Push Notification to the customers' on their cellular phones even while they're connected on a voice call or Internet browsing session
  • Predominantly used by the Banking Sector or to WASPs providing services to the Financial Services sector for security purposes
  • Please note: It's assumed that your subscribers will expect and follow USSD prompts and subsequently follow the menu prompts
  • Allows the WASP to derive the IMSI information imbedded in the SIM of the mobile device, which allows MNOs to identity valid mobile devices & validate SIM cards
  • Provide IVR content at premium rates
  • Please note: Only Cell C customers' can access premium IVR content
  • Cell C customers' can access premium IVR content by calling a Telkom, Neotel or VANs operator number
  • Please note: Only Cell C customers' can access premium IVR content